Sunday, October 16, 2016

Metacognition + Blog = MetaBLOGnition

First off, I did not make that pun...

     There is always more room for improvement. I need improvement in my blogs. As you can tell, my blogs are... ok I guess. My titles are not the best and I usually watch what I type. I need to fix that majorly. I was trying something new with my title, but, um, you get the idea.

     I see Blog names and titles that are funny and out of the ordinary. Blogs like that catches audiences attention, which makes them read that blog. I need to work on my titles. I believe that revising maps titles will attract more audience and popularity in the blogging community.

(Oh man, I'm watching my writing again...)

     Speaking of which, my next MetaBLOGnition (I'm sorry) is just to try it. Try something in your writing that you were scared of before. Yeah, I don't do that. I feel like doing something that I am scared of adding into my writing might affect the way it is now. The benefit of that is that it could express my personality. Learning more about a person who seems out of the ordinary could be interesting to people. So yeah. Take my tips into action and possibly attract more viewers to your blog.

Thursday, October 6, 2016


Yet, my title is blue...


(ayye that's pretty dank)

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Travel To, Where?

     Everyone wants to go somewhere. Either is Paris, the Big Apple, DisneyWorld, or Mexico. Knowing my friends and my love of Pokemon, I want to visit Yokohama, Tokyo during the second week of August. I have heard and seen something called the "Pikachu Horde." A week dedicated to the Pokemon mascot, Pikachu. Everywhere you look, you see the beautiful yellow mouse on Windows, buildings, or the dancers. These official dancers dress up in high quality Pikachu outfits that brings joy to Pokemon trainers. Plus, I want to visit Tokyo for their culture. I find their anime idea brilliant and their merchandise just capture them. So yeah, I want to visit Yokohama, Tokyo during my lifetime.


Monday, October 3, 2016

10 Years From Now

For right now, these are my goals. It will most likely change over the years, but no promises.

     Ever since I started school, I wanted grades that can achieve more than average. I've been wanting accelerated classes since they were available to me. This is one of my many personal goals. I follow a quote that says, "Good Education, Good Job, Good Life." I do want a good education so that I can get my dream job that I always wanted. Another goal is to graduate high school and possibly college with my head held high. This will prove to myself that I am on the right path. I also want to help my mom more that I do now. She has done so much for me, I need to step up and give my mom what she deserves. Cooking for her, doing dishes, and cleaning the house just to make her happy.

     Ten years from now, I see myself having my drivers license to drive my sister to school or anywhere else. Ten years from now, I see myself studying coding lines and animation that would benefit my dream job. Ten years from now, I see myself with friends knowing they will be there for me.

EDIT: A little poem, I guess...

     One of my main, focused job (Aka Goals for the next 10-20 years) I want badly is to work at Google. Once computers were available to which really captures my attention. Before I apply, I want to work somewhere else to earn experience with coding and animation. With that. I can get a higher chance of getting my dream job.
me at school, I have been interested in coming and animation. Also, Google is one of the largest,
most common place everyone have visited at least once. Plus, their offices are abstract and modern,

     In case you haven't noticed, I love abstract places and art. From that, one of my all time life goal is to build or live in a modern home. Something about the look makes your mind blow, which I like. I also want to travel to Tokyo to see their culture and merchandise. Something that screams "KAWAII" makes me want to go even more. I also want to paint a masterpiece. Something that would be qualified to be hung in an art gallery. This is the way I want to be remembered by.

Summer Reading Blog 1

    In the book, “Beastkeeper” by Cat Hellisen, a girl named Sarah thought she had a normal life, but that changed when her mother left the family. After that, her life was everything but normal. Living with her amateur dad, magic rose through the family. Each day, something odd happens. A couple of weeks later, her dad cannot take it no more. He left his daughter to a couple that Sarah haven't met before. This was Sarah's grandparents. Learning about a curse that ran through the family, she found out that it traced back to her. Now, Sarah is trying to find a way to break it and live a strange, but normal life.

     Sarah is the main character of the book. She is rebellious and curious about the forest outside. With characteristics like that, adventures could happen. After her mother left, she felt disappointed and helpless. This happened because she left without telling her why and where is she going. In the book, it said, “You should be in bed. It’s late.” This is a line from page 5 spoken from her mother before she left. No answer for her disappearance. Based on other people, someone leaving can be really heartbreaking and could cause depression. This line leaves many theories on why she left and why she kept it a secret. That is why I chose that as evidence. Sarah treats others with respect and kindness to others who might not have the same qualities as her. This is Sarah, a complicated character.