Tuesday, March 14, 2017

The Slice of Life (3-14-17)

Welp, here we are again! I'm going to rant about something, so read this in your mad voice. Snapchat is not a diary. People get upset over something and say it out loud. All I do is just skip it. I am not that type of person that Snapchats about everything they do. Eating, sleeping, watching TV, and others are something that no one really needs to know. People brag about things or announce what they finish. " I finished my homework" ... at 5:52 am. I don't really care, but seriously, Snapchat deletes videos/pictures in 24 hours. You don't have to be connected to your phone. Chill

And scene :) I did an impression on my real life friend. (Not Matt, my Blog buddy)

Carry on.

1 comment:

  1. I don't have snapchat, and to be honest, I have mixed feelings about not having it. :/
