Nick. A guy with no legs or arms. He had to persevere thoughout his life with no limbs. If I wee to describe Nick, it would be Perseverance, Courageous, and Self-Confidence. He has done things that may need limbs, like fishing, sports, and standing up. I gave him the trait perseverance since he kept on trying and trying to do things no on e thought he could do. I gave him courageous since he does some daring things that could get him killed. I gave him Self Confidence since he believes in himself. Like him trying to stand up. It's like me trying to go home with a scrape on my knee. It's pretty hard to do that. Imagine that scenario. I think that's how Nick felt trying to stand up.
I don't think any of us could do the things he does without arms or legs. This man is truly an inspiration...