Friday, February 24, 2017

That Symbol, Though...

     Hitler. A man who lead the Nazis to kill the Jews. He recruited troops by Propaganda (Advertisement) such as this one here. If I were to describe this propaganda, I would call it intimidating, scary, and persuasive. "Gebt Mir 4 Jahre Zeit" in this propaganda means Give me 4 Years Time in the English language. This means that Hitler wants to take control for 4 more years. Might as well join him and not get on his bad side. This is a way to get people to join the Nazis. I mean, I would be scared and joined the Nazis just in case. It's is Propaganda, it's scary in some ways.

1 comment:

  1. Come to think of it, might that be why the Nazi Party was widespread-ly accepted by Germany, despite a lot of citizens being deeply disturbed by Hitler's actions? idk
