Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Rant on Fidget Spinners

     Ok, this is absurd. It's getting to the point where they need to stop.

     People say they need a distraction.... hahaha, no. I think the Fidget company is happy, but not the one who are suffering. When people bring fidget spinners to school, they are a student magnet. It's like bringing a king sized bag of cheetos. It is also getting to the point where they throw shade to those who don't own them. I am in Boy Scouts, so on camp outs, I do all the work while the others play with spinning metal things. They are starting to design more expensive ones, like they are some sort of Yeezys. Oh, speaking of shoes, replace every fidget spinner word on this blog with shoes. I feel like having the latest trends show how rich you are and how you fit on. They need to put their priorities in order. Hahahahahahaha. Goodbye.

Carry on without fidgeting a stress gear.

1 comment:

  1. Give it about 2 months, it'll be replaced by something equally dumb.
